Geek Reads

Geek Reads

Monday, June 11, 2012 Ricky Martin

While I didn't think of the book as a stellar piece of work that broke down literary barriers or anything of the sort, I didn't think either that it was a piece of work that would lead to many readers doubting and go as far as claiming that Ricky hired to ghost writer to write his memoir. Let's give the man some credit. Perhaps he outlined the book and wrote it in his native Spanish tongue and the fault lies in the transcriber or translator?

But nonetheless, this book was an enjoyable read and prompted us a look (although not really complete) at the look of a very private celebrity who inspite of his popularity maintains that he is a private person who has to do the public thing of taking a stand and being vocal about it.

His journey from reluctant celebrity to outspoken gay man may resonate with his gay readers but for one who is looking for pictures to accompany any memoir (Yes, initially I was disappointed that there was none), you will be disheartened to know and find out that there are no pictures but after getting over that and accepting the memoir for what it is and not what it should be, then you are rewarded with a good, insightful and in certain sections a profound chronicle about career, spirituality and the self.

Of course the part where Ricky talks extensively about his cause against human trafficking may unease or dissuade others from moving on with the read. But stick with it and at the very least, find out a little more about this reluctant Latin heart-throb. And if your heart still throbs the right way, from the things that's he's said, done and shared then you've transcended from being a fan to being a fellow citizen of the world out to do good in our own way and in our own corner of the world.

Then again, celebrity or not, isn't that what we should be doing? :)

Pay it Forward Peeps! Go Ricky!